How to use "uncertain" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "uncertain" in popular movie and book plots

  • After a brief dialogue, an anxious Turner walks away to face an uncertain future as "a very lonely man".  - Three Days of the Condor
  • Awakening, Paul musters up the courage to leave the bathroom in an attempt to escape, uncertain if Annie is either alive or dead.  - Misery (novel)
  • Tenar lives on her own at Flint's property – Oak Farm – and is lonely and uncertain of her identity.  - Tehanu
  • Returning from a journey to warn Ernestina's father about his uncertain inheritance, Charles stops in Exeter as if to visit Sarah.  - The French Lieutenant's Woman
  • Both are forced to confront their uncertain futures, while examining what led to the breakdown of their marriage.  - Speak to Me of Love
  • Natalie, uncertain if Alfred's main concern is to save her reputation or his career, decides to leave.  - From the Terrace
  • Rather than leave Susie to an uncertain fate, Augustus marries her and takes her away to New York City.  - Mrs. Parkington
  • The novel leaves readers uncertain whether Joe Christmas or Joe Brown is the murderer.  - Light in August
  • Booth goes in to find Willis declaring to everyone in no uncertain terms that he is in charge.  - The Trouble with Templeton
  • In the final scene, they walk down a road at dawn, towards an uncertain but hopeful future.  - Modern Times (film)
  • The two then fly away in the partially fueled helicopter to an uncertain future.  - Dawn of the Dead (1978 film)
  • The King dismisses school, then leaves, uncertain of his next action.  - The King and I
  • Trevize remains, but is uncertain as to why he has intuited that Gaia is the correct outcome for the future.  - Foundation series
  • The endeavor is both incredibly costly and of uncertain profitability.  - The Man Who Sold the Moon
  • Cameron said that investigators were uncertain of when the device, intercepted at East Midlands Airport, was supposed to explode.  - Terrorism in Yemen
  • He takes the oath of office and begins an uncertain term as President.  - Debt of Honor

Meaning of "uncertain" in English

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Meaning of "uncertain" in Hindi

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