How to use "uncharacteristic" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "uncharacteristic" in popular movie and book plots

  • With his wife Millie on her way up to the suite, he must find a way to conceal all traces of his uncharacteristic indiscretion.  - California Suite (film)
  • Rimmer shows uncharacteristic bravery by urging they fight, stating "Better dead than smeg" and the rest of the crew agree.  - Out of Time (Red Dwarf)
  • Hacker remarks on Sir Humphrey’s loyalty in the matter, which is uncharacteristic of civil service officials, who normally stick together.  - A Real Partnership
  • Doctor Bashir can find no sign of mental or physical illness in Zek, and his uncharacteristic behavior does not appear to be a ruse.  - Prophet Motive
  • Roused into an uncharacteristic fury, Ivan snatches up his axe, only to be struck down by the sorcerer.  - Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
  • The skirmish ends with no Starfleet injuries and an uncharacteristic Jem'Hadar withdrawal.  - Rocks and Shoals (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • Martok insisted that there would be no honorable combat, which is very uncharacteristic for a Klingon.  - Apocalypse Rising
  • Elmer changes his tune to one of uncharacteristic niceness and sets Bugs free.  - The Wabbit Who Came to Supper
  • Desperate to reclaim his life, Jordan races to quit his oppressive job in spectacular and uncharacteristic fashion on his bosses doorstep.  - Bitter & Twisted (film)
  • Tuvok's uncharacteristic "hunch" is that someone on Voyager is responsible.  - Repression (Star Trek: Voyager)
  • After the Master's uncharacteristic explosion the two quarrel and separate.  - The Master of Ballantrae
  • Stoking the argument, Veruca agrees with Willow, and Oz, in an uncharacteristic burst of anger, orders Veruca to leave.  - Wild at Heart (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • With his wife Millie on her way up to the suite, he must find a way to conceal all traces of his uncharacteristic indiscretion.  - California Suite
  • Silvio did not take this uncharacteristic behavior any further and, although Tony had noticed it, nothing came of it.  - Silvio Dante
  • Angry, hurt, and puzzled by Laura's uncharacteristic actions, Booth storms out with Laura's script in hand.  - The Trouble with Templeton
  • Surprised by his uncharacteristic audacity, Preysing attacks Kringelein and the two men must be separated.  - Grand Hotel (1932 film)

Meaning of "uncharacteristic" in English

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Meaning of "uncharacteristic" in Hindi

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