How to use "uncover" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "uncover" in popular movie and book plots

  • The six enter the Department of Mysteries where they uncover a bottled prophecy, the object Voldemort was after.  - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film)
  • Penenberg is unable to uncover any corroborating evidence for Glass' story and brings his concerns to The New Republic.  - Shattered Glass (film)
  • They uncover a strange, bluish-gray object in the debris, not knowing its significance.  - Mothra vs. Godzilla
  • Lanning, powerless to thwart VIKI's plan, created Sonny, arranged his own death, and left clues to help Spooner uncover the plot.  - I, Robot (film)
  • Goby employs all sorts of clever methods to uncover the most private information, using agents who pose as actors, lawyers or Catholic nuns.  - After the Funeral
  • However, Nova's mission leads her to uncover a conspiracy that involves Shadow Blade.  - StarCraft: Ghost
  • Meanwhile, Preston tries in vain to uncover other couriers connected to the operation.  - The Fourth Protocol
  • An agreement is reached, and Missy returns from the grave nightly to help King uncover some of the mysteries from "Them".  - Conspiracy (King Diamond album)
  • They uncover a well underneath the cabin and through a vision see the circumstances of Sadako's murder by her father.  - Ring (film)
  • Sefton then decides to uncover the identity of the real spy.  - Stalag 17
  • He nevertheless resolves to uncover the truth, so that the five innocent artists should not live under lifelong suspicion.  - The Five Red Herrings
  • Dixie and Kiddy uncover the extinct volcanic island of Krematoa.  - Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!
  • The detective begins to uncover clues and eventually solves the mystery of the disappearance through a series of investigative steps.  - The Thin Man (film)
  • The commandos are shocked that their own man is about to uncover the plot.  - The Bridge on the River Kwai
  • Though Himmler was embarrassed by his failure to uncover the plot, it led to an increase in his powers and authority.  - Heinrich Himmler
  • Sheridan and Delenn's "conspiracy of light" works to uncover clues about how to defeat the Shadows.  - Babylon 5

Meaning of "uncover" in English

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Meaning of "uncover" in Hindi

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