How to use "underbrush" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "underbrush" in popular movie and book plots

  • The company starts on a trail through forest, well hidden by underbrush and thickets.  - The Rifle Rangers: or Adventures in South Mexico
  • He also discovers a warning sign made by someone else, which has been pulled into the underbrush of vines.  - The Ruins (novel)
  • Just then the tow truck emerges through the underbrush and crushes Ray in half against a tree, killing him.  - Venom (2005 film)
  • As they go into the woods, a mysterious woman emerges from the underbrush and watches closely.  - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III
  • Uninjured, he spends the rest of his afternoon wandering amongst the trees and underbrush until he stumbles upon a mysterious cave.  - Wario Land 3

Meaning of "underbrush" in English

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Meaning of "underbrush" in Hindi

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