How to use "undertake" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "undertake" in popular movie and book plots

  • Why does Martin, son of Mattimeo, undertake a perilous voyage with his brave companions.  - The Pearls of Lutra
  • Baloo and Bagheera undertake the task of educating Mowgli as he grows.  - Mowgli's Brothers
  • He does not undertake this mission right away, preferring to take a little time first to get to know the country and the people.  - Islandia (novel)
  • Her escort is Kazuhiko, an ex-military soldier who has been forced to undertake the task.  - Clover (Clamp manga)
  • And you shall undertake a journey.  - RG Veda
  • Damon-Rafael Hastur of Elhayln, Allart’s brother, arrives at Hali and asks him to undertake a diplomatic mission to Aldaran.  - Stormqueen!
  • The search is what anyone would undertake if he were not sunk in the everydayness of his own life".  - The Moviegoer
  • He intends to undertake a kamikaze attack, flying a small plane of C-4 explosives into the center during the talk.  - Insomnia (novel)
  • Aboard are several crew members, awakened by the ship to undertake the mission, and 900,000 sleeping passengers.  - The Songs of Distant Earth
  • As one of only three men suited for such work, Rambo agrees to undertake the operation in exchange for a pardon.  - Rambo: First Blood Part II
  • Father Gabriel visits and challenges Mendoza to undertake a suitable penance.  - The Mission (1986 film)
  • It is the old arrowhead acting up, so McKeag and other trappers undertake a dangerous operation to remove it.  - Centennial (miniseries)
  • They marry and move to Lanzhou in western China, where they undertake work to try to reconcile Islamic and Confucian beliefs.  - The Years of Rice and Salt
  • Zack, now Ensign Mayo with orders to undertake flight training, seeks out Paula at the factory where she works and declares his love to her.  - An Officer and a Gentleman
  • Jim says there is more left on the island, but he for one will not undertake another voyage to recover it.  - Treasure Island
  • His unfulfilled dream impels him to agree to undertake the (unpaid) job of building the sisters a chapel.  - Lilies of the Field (1963 film)

Meaning of "undertake" in English

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Meaning of "undertake" in Hindi

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