How to use "undoubtedly" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "undoubtedly" in popular movie and book plots

  • He rushes to Washington to tell the President that his father undoubtedly owned the watch.  - The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy
  • Georgie is deeply hurt, feeling that all adults undoubtedly end up lying to him.  - Believe (2013 film)
  • He convinces Ted that the Arcadian must go, as being able to design a building in New York would undoubtedly help his career and future.  - Landmarks (How I Met Your Mother)
  • She is undoubtedly the mirror image of his fiancée Bridget, but if the two are related, the woman gives no indication.  - The Stranger (1995 film)
  • Since Harry undoubtedly is the victor of the race to the senate, the political conflict is resolved.  - Dear Wife
  • The family agree unanimously that Gabe is undoubtedly Gabriel’s son and will be the seventh Duke of Beauville.  - Justice Hall
  • Mathias is buried and then his body disappears just when the analysis proves that he has undoubtedly been poisoned.  - The Burning Court (film)
  • Bliss’s life has undoubtedly changed—possibly for the worse.  - Blue Bloods (novel series)
  • Because Maston's calculations were undoubtedly considered correct when they were discovered, this error was not discovered early enough.  - The Purchase of the North Pole
  • Messenio whispers to his master that the lady undoubtedly is a schemer for his money, and asks her if she knows his master.  - Menaechmi
  • Detective Riley (Jason Scott Lee) warns them the killer will undoubtedly strike again.  - Tale of the Mummy
  • Upon their arrival, they see a man jump up from his table, and fiddle with his bread – undoubtedly Number Four.  - The Big Four (novel)
  • However, where the first explosion created the universe, the second will undoubtedly destroy it.  - Terminus (Doctor Who)

Meaning of "undoubtedly" in English

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Meaning of "undoubtedly" in Hindi

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