How to use "unearth" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unearth" in popular movie and book plots

  • While digging for a project, workers from LexCorp unearth the spaceship of Doomsday, a genetically-engineered super-soldier.  - Superman: Doomsday
  • However, they soon begin to fear that the facts they unearth about his past might have come to light too late to save Daisy from harm.  - Falling (Howard novel)
  • There, they unearth what seems to be a tomb of Cybermen.  - The Crystal of Cantus
  • A group of martial artists unearth a treasure chest and begin fighting for it.  - Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain
  • "A seemingly-untroubled adolescent carries disturbing secrets that compel a psychiatrist to unearth the patient's gruesome past".  - The Unsaid
  • They unearth the Master's body and he opens his eyes briefly.  - The Master of Ballantrae
  • He has access to Mehmed's archive, and together they unearth several important documents.  - The Historian
  • Delaware and Sturgis unearth the details of the young piano teacher's life.  - Alex Delaware
  • Kain, the antagonist of Soul Reaver, appears as a non-player character in cutscenes, urging Raziel to unearth his destiny.  - Soul Reaver 2
  • He tells his mother Martha that he wants to unearth his spaceship.  - Superman: Birthright
  • The clues that the Hardys unearth keep them constantly on the move-from their college campus to California and finally to Greece.  - The Shattered Helmet
  • Miners unearth ancient parasites, in the shape of worms, that attack the brains of their hosts, entering through the nose or ears.  - From Within (The Outer Limits)
  • The four brothers take it upon themselves to unearth the mystery behind their mother's murder.  - Big B (film)
  • The forces of Chaos now bear all that they need to unearth it.  - Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War
  • She assigns her longtime investigator Moe (Jack Warden) to do some digging and he begins to unearth the defendant's shady past.  - Guilty as Sin
  • Indy, Sallah, and a small group of diggers unearth the Well of Souls and acquire the Ark.  - Raiders of the Lost Ark

Meaning of "unearth" in English

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Meaning of "unearth" in Hindi

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