How to use "unfair" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unfair" in popular movie and book plots

  • He also learns that the judge who gave the unfair verdict was also cursed by the old man, causing scales to grow on his skin.  - Thinner (novel)
  • Kyle is outraged and he finds this unfair because he was supposed to confess and do the right thing not Cartman.  - Toilet Paper (South Park)
  • This unfair act in the eyes of Alex causes him to attack her and he rips her dress.  - Little Boy Blue (novel)
  • He is concerned that he is being unfair to Heather, his mistress, the same woman Mickey left, by continuing to stay with Renee.  - She's the One (1996 film)
  • The Doctor now faces trial by the Megara, an abrupt and unfair process dependent on the word but not the spirit of the law.  - The Stones of Blood
  • He tells Sir Howard that he presides over an unfair justice system that punishes the poor and weak.  - Captain Brassbound's Conversion
  • Instead of being mindless workers toiling away in the mines, they have become aware of their unfair treatment by the higher class.  - The Cloud Minders
  • The day the Minstrel arrives, the Queen is testing Princess #12 with an unfair quiz.  - Once Upon a Mattress
  • All the regular soldiers at the base are near-unanimous that it is an unfair decision.  - Carrington V.C. (film)
  • Father Byrnes – A stern Catholic priest with hypocritical and unfair policies.  - Bless Me, Ultima
  • Monique, Fix and other ministers attest to Kelvin's unfair methods and his bullying nature, but Kelvin scoffs at them.  - Around the World in 80 Days (2004 film)
  • At Giancarlo's home, Jackie is forced into an unfair fight where his arms and legs are restrained with ropes held by the henchmen.  - Mr. Nice Guy (1997 film)
  • These are examples of unfair working practices faced by the laborers.  - F.I.S.T.
  • She is extremely severe with them and deliberately unfair to the point of cruelty.  - Viper in the Fist
  • At first, he refuses as he thinks it is extremely unfair to Yoast, but accepts when he sees what it means to the black community.  - Remember the Titans
  • Plummer takes up a shotgun (an unfair weapon), but Doc Boone blocks his path, demanding that he leave it - or kill Doc first.  - Stagecoach (1939 film)

Meaning of "unfair" in English

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Meaning of "unfair" in Hindi

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