How to use "unfettered" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unfettered" in popular movie and book plots

  • Frank becomes the reticent partner as Eve becomes unfettered sexuality, and he loses his control over her.  - Resurrection of Eve
  • Han Qing-jao's secret maid, Si Wang-mu, aids her in this task, her intelligence (partially) unfettered by the rigid caste system.  - Gloriously Bright
  • Only Miranda, unfettered by a job for the first time in her life, is enthusiastic.  - Sex and the City 2
  • In the aftermath, Horrible gains infamy and is free to commit additional crimes unfettered by Captain Hammer.  - Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
  • While he is away, the boys enjoy unfettered access to their mother, and Jack experiences the first twinges of rebelliousness.  - The Tree of Life (film)
  • Han Qing-jao's secret maid, Si Wang-mu, aids her in this task, her intelligence (partially) unfettered by the rigid caste system.  - Xenocide

Meaning of "unfettered" in English

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Meaning of "unfettered" in Hindi

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