How to use "unheeded" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unheeded" in popular movie and book plots

  • Truson protests, but his protests go unheeded by the arrogant Mayor.  - The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1957 film)
  • Cox has had no orders from General Wellington to let them pass unheeded and is suspicious of the lack of orders.  - Sharpe's Gold (novel)
  • Malachi tells him that the Shrimpkins who migrated to his buttocks feel their prayers are unheeded and have become atheists.  - Godfellas
  • As the time travellers leave their machine, a radiation meter is shown on the console of the machine, unheeded by them, registering "Danger".  - An Unearthly Child

Meaning of "unheeded" in English

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Meaning of "unheeded" in Hindi

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