How to use "unhinged" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unhinged" in popular movie and book plots

  • The remaining troops soon locate their commanding officer, who has clearly become unhinged from recent events.  - The Hills Have Eyes 2
  • Her experiences have unhinged her and she commits suicide.  - The Inner Circle (1991 film)
  • The recent death of the father unhinged her further and the "murder" was actually a form of suicide.  - Trilogy of Terror
  • Eventually, he makes his way back to India, but his mind has become unhinged by his sufferings.  - The Man Who Would Be King (film)
  • After Spider-Man helps Scorpion defeat the machines, the apparently paranoid and unhinged Scorpion turns on Spidey, and they fight.  - Spider-Man (2002 video game)
  • Nina constantly insults Dot every chance she gets, unhinged by her arrival.  - The Quiet
  • The news is obviously false, but the already unhinged Henry believes it to be true and is driven to full-blown madness.  - The Master of Ballantrae
  • Dotty, a former student of George's, ended a semi-successful stage career when the sight of astronauts on the moon unhinged her sanity.  - Jumpers (play)
  • Afterwards, Stan, Kyle and Cartman chastise Butters about his unhinged parents.  - Butters' Very Own Episode
  • Startled by how unhinged her uncle has become, Li'l Bit arranges a meeting in a Philadelphia hotel room on December 10, 1969.  - How I Learned to Drive
  • An unhinged Leggett is seen firing his Colt 45 pistol at the tank, only for him to be instantly killed by another shot.  - Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
  • Meanwhile, Paulie, unhinged at his apparent failure to kill Bernie, returns to the island.  - Weekend at Bernie's
  • His mind becomes unhinged after coming across an empty trap with a severed animal limb.  - Little Big Man (film)
  • His mind unhinged by this great shame, Commodus makes the bizarre decision of challenging Livius to a duel for the throne.  - The Fall of the Roman Empire (film)
  • But in the middle of this felicity, Providence unhinged him at once, with the loss of his wife.  - The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
  • During the raid, Stansfield quickly becomes unhinged and murders Mathilda's entire family while she is out shopping for groceries.  - Léon: The Professional

Meaning of "unhinged" in English

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Meaning of "unhinged" in Hindi

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