How to use "unimaginable" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unimaginable" in popular movie and book plots

  • Lost in the woods, she was incapacitated by an unknown entity, which transforms her into an unimaginable creature.  - Shake, Rattle and Roll 12
  • But the unimaginable occurs - Thea's return gives the story a grotesque spin.  - Anna Svärd (novel)
  • In the middle of a clearing grew a grapevine, which caused Charlotte unimaginable joy; it was a reminder of her France.  - Dreams of My Russian Summers
  • Now, two hundred miles off Hawaii, an island is forming-an island that holds unimaginable wealthe and power for those who control it.  - Vulcan's Forge (Du Brul novel)
  • Just beyond your own peaceful world is a universe ruled by chaos and unimaginable evil.  - Shifters
  • When Gudrun angrily orders her mother to leave, Grimhild threatens to curse her daughter to unimaginable torment if she will not obey.  - The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún
  • So his day consists of endless traumas and tantrums… and unimaginable stress for his mother Nicola (Keeley Hawes).  - After Thomas
  • As the gynecologist injects the egg it starts dividing into unimaginable amounts.  - Odor in the Court
  • Hanna and Eve each take the blame for Marigold's despair, and try to fix things in unimaginable ways.  - Octopus Pie
  • She explains to him that it is simply unimaginable that he would hang himself on such a nice day, especially in front of such beautiful trees.  - Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
  • But as this organ-player leaves for the second time, he looks on the narrator with a look of unimaginable hatred which the narrator sees.  - In the Court of the Dragon
  • Along the journey May meets new friends and sees unimaginable sights and faces many strange adventures.  - May Bird and the Ever After
  • Together with Jim, the four men try to outmaneuver Frosticos in the race to reach a not-quite unimaginable goal.  - The Digging Leviathan
  • As the Prom-goers' stunned silence turns to derisive laughter, her unimaginable humiliation turns to fury - and then madness.  - Carrie (musical)
  • The very mention of this word makes him punish himself to unimaginable heights.  - Kaadhal Mannan
  • The Morgawr is a centuries-old sorcerer of unimaginable might, who feeds upon the souls of his enemies.  - Morgawr

Meaning of "unimaginable" in English

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Meaning of "unimaginable" in Hindi

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