How to use "uninhabited" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "uninhabited" in popular movie and book plots

  • That night, Francis hears loud yowls that are coming from the uninhabited upper floors of his house.  - Felidae (novel)
  • He is outraged by this, and threatens to leave her on an uninhabited island - securing all her money to him - if she does not reconsider.  - The Female American
  • The Doctor and Tegan deposit the now-dormant Gravis on the uninhabited planet of Kolkokron.  - Frontios
  • The Holy Islanders refuse to harm him, so they maroon him on the uninhabited Holy Island.  - Drowned Ammet
  • They arrived in a strange, uninhabited land and claimed it for themselves.  - Encantadia (2005 TV series)
  • Meanwhile, Enterprise nears an uncharted and seemingly uninhabited planet for closer observation.  - Minefield (Star Trek: Enterprise)
  • It tells of a planetary survey team that encounters an immortal woman on an uninhabited planet.  - Strange Eden
  • On the TARDIS scanner, the Doctor and Peri see a building — something which has no place on an uninhabited asteroid.  - The Twin Dilemma
  • While the series is named after Recluce, that island is uninhabited for the first millennium of the story.  - The Saga of Recluce
  • Before she can explain, The Alpha Betas kidnap the Tri-Lambs along with Sunny and dump them on an uninhabited island.  - Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise
  • The next morning, they arrive on a small, seemingly uninhabited island (possibly in Southeast Asia).  - Rugrats Go Wild
  • The captain and crew abandon the ship leaving the family shipwrecked off an uninhabited island.  - Swiss Family Robinson (1960 film)
  • Kobayashi's plane malfunctions and is forced to land near Iwato Island, an uninhabited strip of rocks formed by volcanic eruptions.  - Godzilla Raids Again
  • In spite of the remarkable success however, notwithstanding even advancements in technology, Terra II remains uninhabited by women.  - Saber Marionette J
  • They stop at Burnt Island, where a coracle is discovered among human artifacts on the now uninhabited isle and given to Reepicheep.  - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  • The two eventually land on an uninhabited island, heavily populated with seals.  - The Sea-Wolf

Meaning of "uninhabited" in English

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Meaning of "uninhabited" in Hindi

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