How to use "uninterested" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "uninterested" in popular movie and book plots

  • Georgie, who is gay and lives as a cook with his boyfriend Frankie, is uninterested to continue his father's work.  - Enter the Phoenix
  • The remaining astronauts relay their findings back to a largely uninterested Earth.  - Titan (Baxter novel)
  • The Doctor attempts another bluff, declaring himself a non-human and therefore uninterested in what happens to the humans.  - Scream of the Shalka
  • She is uninterested in working after getting her PhD until her former Professor forces her to take on the hedgerow mapping project.  - Brazzaville Beach
  • The bar's patrons are uninterested until the American (named Buscemi after the actor) mentions the name "Bucho".  - Desperado (film)
  • The "appointments" are with his psychiatrist (Rowan Atkinson), who is annoyed with him and uninterested in what he has to say.  - The Appointments of Dennis Jennings
  • With his wife uninterested in fishing, dr Paul Martin goes on a holiday on the Cornwall coast alone.  - Miranda (1948 film)
  • She seems uninterested in sparing the lives of her adversaries.  - Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman
  • Bell's father is uninterested in his son's character development, telling Hundert just to teach Bell so he can graduate.  - The Emperor's Club
  • In this guise, the Red Bull is uninterested in her and departs.  - The Last Unicorn (film)
  • They are the most populous of the blocs, but, since they remain largely uninterested in technology, one of the least technologically advanced.  - Escape Velocity Nova
  • He lives mainly in London and is uninterested in raising the children.  - The Turn of the Screw
  • They marry and settle in the schoolhouse, but he is a quiet man uninterested in physical love.  - Ryan's Daughter
  • Christian is kind but vague, and ultimately uninterested in individuals, preferring to focus on the plight of the working class.  - The Pursuit of Love
  • He is uninterested in the rich and glamorous world that Isabel will move in.  - The Razor's Edge
  • Betty believes a scene in one of Joe's scripts has potential, but Joe is uninterested in pursuing it.  - Sunset Boulevard (film)

Meaning of "uninterested" in English

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Meaning of "uninterested" in Hindi

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