How to use "unity" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unity" in popular movie and book plots

  • Viziers lack of unity misdeeds, but their personal and partisan considerations.  - King Naresuan (film)
  • He wishes, for the sake of the hill, that life was better for everybody, and that there was more unity between peoples.  - The Dragon Can't Dance
  • Arthur's unexpected victory over the combined armies of Powys and Siluria at Lugg Vale has brought peace and unity to the British kingdoms.  - Enemy of God (novel)
  • The survivors begin fortifying the church against the undead siege, but before long, unity begins to erode.  - Return of the Blind Dead
  • Thälmann calls for class unity against the Nazis, but the SPD leaders do not want to collaborate with him.  - Ernst Thälmann (film)
  • The interviews often provoke outbursts from other men on the bus, invariably leading to confrontations; the only topic of unity is theJ.  - Get on the Bus
  • Being organized means unity of action, unity of practical activity.  - Strike (1925 film)
  • They soon learn that the Nestene energy unity has taken on a mobile form, and that there is an Auton copy of senior archivist Graham Winslet.  - Auton (film series)
  • Due to a show of unity by all the staff, the landlord agrees that they can stay, on the provision that they do something for him.  - Carry On Regardless
  • Civil war threatens the unity of the Galactic Alliance.  - Tempest (novel)
  • In their unity lay their strength against their oppressors.  - Young Jedi Knights
  • It depicts him essentially as an idealist seeking to impose a peace or unity on the world despite various betrayals and losses.  - The Emperor and the Assassin
  • With this setback, the unity of the tanuki finally fails and they break up into smaller groups, each following a different strategy.  - Pom Poko
  • Before the game, D'Amato gives a speech urging team unity that Beaman takes to heart.  - Any Given Sunday
  • As for Dylan, he is determined with his new crew to bring unity to the galaxies by restoring the Systems Commonwealth.  - Andromeda (TV series)

Meaning of "unity" in English

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Meaning of "unity" in Hindi

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