How to use "unnecessary" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unnecessary" in popular movie and book plots

  • Working frantically to transfer unnecessary equipment to make room, Broadhead finds himself alone in the wrong ship when time runs out.  - Gateway (novel)
  • ” Angel comes up with the name Matthias Pavayne, an 18th-century doctor nicknamed the Reaper for performing unnecessary surgery.  - Hell Bound (Angel)
  • The gang starts to plan a search for Angel, but it's unnecessary as he returns to the hotel.  - Benediction (Angel)
  • Angel attacks a woman wearing a shawl that he mistakes as a witch's garb, making an unnecessary scene.  - Belonging (Angel)
  • However, the other characters continue to ask increasingly unnecessary favors of him, leaving him no time to fly with the jellyfish.  - The Sponge Who Could Fly
  • Experience points are gained by dealing with encounters verbally and intelligently, rather than through unnecessary violence.  - Beyond the Crystal Cave
  • Buffy explains her plans for breaking Riley out, but it proves unnecessary as he has escaped and is waiting in Xander's basement.  - This Year's Girl
  • However, one day, on their way to work, they get involved in an unnecessary altercation with an unknown person.  - Nadodikkattu
  • It also transpires that the vehicle can be operated with buttons too, making the phallus-like controls an unnecessary discomfort.  - The Entity (South Park)
  • Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, uncertain of the directions his life is taking, tries to reduce his use of the Force for unnecessary things.  - The Hand of Thrawn
  • The reason for this seemingly unnecessary military reserve remains unknown.  - The Shiva Option
  • He finds that this is a good way to beat the system and avoid unnecessary abuse.  - The Power of One (novel)
  • This turns out to be unnecessary as he is saved by a team of strangers who stun the Myrmidons with a flashbang grenade and lift him to safety.  - Shade's Children
  • He does not wear any clothes on the journey as Oyarsa tells him clothes are unnecessary on Venus.  - Perelandra
  • Interaction is unnecessary as the grendels continually lay their unfertilized eggs in the water for the samlon to fertilize.  - The Legacy of Heorot
  • Schwartz arrives at the scene and tells Vargas that the planted dynamite was unnecessary because Sanchez confessed to the crime.  - Touch of Evil

Meaning of "unnecessary" in English

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Meaning of "unnecessary" in Hindi

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