How to use "unobserved" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unobserved" in popular movie and book plots

  • River warns the Doctor that the Byzantiums cargo hold contains a deadly Weeping Angel, which can move only when unobserved by others.  - The Time of Angels
  • Eluding butler Wally Walrus, they slip unobserved into the orchestra, where the aroma of a roast pig is too much for Woody.  - Banquet Busters
  • He hands over the letter, which Antonett passes on to Silvia in an unobserved moment.  - Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister
  • He watches unobserved as Soviet spy Nikolai Zaleshoff (Peter Lorre) searches the dead woman's luggage.  - Background to Danger
  • Though wounded, Grimaud managed to return to his own house unobserved and proceeded with his planned impersonation of Fley.  - The Hollow Man (Carr novel)

Meaning of "unobserved" in English

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Meaning of "unobserved" in Hindi

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