How to use "unpredictable" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unpredictable" in popular movie and book plots

  • An actor who performs in a live sex show version of Romeo and Juliet, Quentin is unpredictable and provocative.  - Rendez-vous (1985 film)
  • Nancy, Bess, and George spend an exciting weekend at a mysterious zigzag house with a crooked banister and an unpredictable robot.  - The Crooked Banister
  • The X-Men must endure the unpredictable behavior of the Danger Room until the virus can be located and eliminated.  - X-Men (1993 video game)
  • As a result, the weather has become unpredictable and dangerous.  - Heavy Weather (Sterling novel)
  • The unpredictable and fun filled climax puts everything in order.  - Oram Po
  • He is much loved by his free-spirited unpredictable wife Marcella.  - A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries (film)
  • Never having so much freedom in their lives, they decide to go to Mexico where they surf the fierce and unpredictable waves of Larosarita.  - Extreme Days
  • As she matures, she finds she emits "Crome radiation", a psychic field which can have unpredictable effects on time and space.  - In the Garden of Iden
  • However, with each new clone errors appeared in the genetic material, leading to unpredictable results.  - Destroy All Humans! (video game)
  • Time appears to behave in unpredictable ways, reanimating the past in an elaborate artificial caprice.  - The Hourglass Sanatorium
  • However, her powers prove to be unpredictable (such as when her skin starts glowing brightly while she's nervous).  - The Secret World of Alex Mack
  • Next, a classic yet utterly unpredictable spy story unfolds around British andS.  - Charlie Muffin
  • Lucia is entrusted to the nun Gertrude, a strange and unpredictable noblewoman whose story is told in these chapters.  - The Betrothed (Manzoni novel)
  • During these events, some Sholai have escaped from their increasingly violent and unpredictable leader.  - Geneforge
  • The kif chase The Pride back to the hani homeworld, but the mahendo'sat intervene and the unpredictable knnn drive the kif away.  - The Chanur novels
  • While the disease runs its course, he becomes increasingly jealous and unpredictable despite Janie's best efforts.  - Their Eyes Were Watching God

Meaning of "unpredictable" in English

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Meaning of "unpredictable" in Hindi

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