How to use "unpretentious" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unpretentious" in popular movie and book plots

  • Jenny (KC Concepcion) is an unpretentious mall promodizer searching for true love.  - When I Met U
  • Mary is immediately attracted to the tall, lanky, and unpretentious cowboy Stretch Willoughby (Gary Cooper) and arranges to be with him.  - The Cowboy and the Lady (1938 film)
  • One of the more distinctive aspects of The Byrds of Paradise was the role of dr Murray Rubinstein, an unpretentious beachside psychiatrist.  - The Byrds of Paradise
  • During this time, mr Parker talks fondly of Sanditon, a town which until a few years before had been a small, unpretentious fishing village.  - Sanditon

Meaning of "unpretentious" in English

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Meaning of "unpretentious" in Hindi

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