How to use "unprincipled" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unprincipled" in popular movie and book plots

  • He later discovers that an unprincipled boy named Mallison was responsible.  - Mandeville (novel)
  • At the same time, the cosmetics boss Tucka Mertslin is scheming with an unprincipled scientist against a rival cosmetician.  - Time to Smell the Roses
  • He woos the disreputable sister of the schemer Gianettino and behaves in general as an unprincipled playboy without any political ambition.  - Fiesco (play)
  • This ruins all her respect for him and she sees how unprincipled he really is.  - Rose in Bloom
  • At each turn, Fane is an unprincipled heel, using and hurting others and causing them to recoil from him.  - The Oscar (film)
  • At Lake Como, they pay the rest of their money to unprincipled men who abandon them at an Alpine pass before a blizzard.  - Journey of Hope (film)

Meaning of "unprincipled" in English

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Meaning of "unprincipled" in Hindi

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