How to use "unreal" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unreal" in popular movie and book plots

  • Asokan), the elder son of this small company aims, aspires to unreal perspectives.  - Thaikku Thalaimagan
  • Tate’s team arrives and starts training with unreal bullets without knowing about the current events at the warehouse.  - Tactical Force
  • It also shows how sometimes what looks real may be unreal and vice versa, and that with faith in our beliefs, we can achieve anything.  - Kanasemba Kudureyaneri
  • The king is convinced that the sexual embrace he saw was just an unreal vision and orders the tree to be cut down, declaring it possessed.  - Mirch
  • Armed with portable reality generators, they slowly progress through the unreal landscape in search of the rebel city.  - City at the End of Time
  • James does not describe this place as an unreal paradise.  - The Great Good Place (Henry James)
  • The hallucination of Daniel Jackson frankly confesses that he is unreal but he is present because there is something she has overlooked.  - Grace (Stargate SG-1)

Meaning of "unreal" in English

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Meaning of "unreal" in Hindi

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