How to use "unsafe" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unsafe" in popular movie and book plots

  • This room has rough ground and is now unsafe to enter.  - Huddington Court
  • When the zoo is bombed by the Americans, the zoo's director decides it is unsafe for the elephant to remain there.  - Hannibal Brooks
  • The cause of the accident is unsafe scaffolding, which the men have already warned about.  - Riff-Raff (1991 film)
  • The company receives bad press after releasing unsafe toy products, and Peter is promptly fired by mr Weed.  - Death Has a Shadow
  • They discover that by day, the area they live in is a dreary, dirty, unsafe place.  - Invitation to the Game
  • The King and Queen play alongside them, and some of the mannequins are destroyed as seats are proven unsafe and eliminated.  - The Celestial Toymaker
  • Meanwhile, Homer starts to fear that Maggie could die from touching things unsafe to her when he hears this from a childproofing saleswoman.  - Bye Bye Nerdie
  • The film highlights, in a gory manner, the dangers of unsafe operation of machinery.  - Forklift Driver Klaus – The First Day on the Job
  • An inspector declares the fair unsafe but Carter bribes him into silence.  - Dante's Inferno (1935 film)
  • Hato to Virginia because his mother feels it's unsafe to stay in Curaçao with the German submarines surrounding the area.  - The Cay
  • The crew travels to the planet, and discovers that most life on it has been destroyed by unsafe experimentation with radioactivity.  - Andromeda (novel)
  • Mrs Proudie is appalled by her and considers her an unsafe influence on her daughters, her servants and Mr Slope.  - Barchester Towers
  • He believes that the plant is unsafe and could be severely damaged if another full-power SCRAM occurs.  - The China Syndrome
  • Questioning the seer on this point produces eerily relevant answers, leading to the prediction that it is unsafe to leave the diner until 3m.  - Nick of Time (The Twilight Zone)
  • Rudkus' father dies as a direct result from the unsafe work conditions in the meat packing plant.  - The Jungle
  • Over the next few days, Basil and Zorba attempt to work the old lignite mine, but find it unsafe and shut it down.  - Zorba the Greek (film)

Meaning of "unsafe" in English

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Meaning of "unsafe" in Hindi

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