How to use "unseemly" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unseemly" in popular movie and book plots

  • She sings to let them know that she has an unseemly voice.  - Dyesebel (2014 TV series)
  • Ham expresses disappointment for his father's current state of unseemly drunkenness and nakedness before leaving his kin to live alone.  - Noah (2014 film)
  • Together they wade through a swamp of unseemly characters of the Chicago underworld to expose the real murderer of their father and brother.  - The Fabulous Clipjoint
  • Meanwhile, Andres learns that Juan is actually his brother and that he had an unseemly affair with a young lady in his household.  - Corazón salvaje (1993 telenovela)
  • Meanwhile, Andres learns that Juan is actually his brother and that he had an unseemly affair with a young lady in his household.  - Corazón salvaje (novel)
  • It contains thinly veiled accounts of the unseemly behavior of Hummingbird Hill's residents, upsetting everyone.  - Sitting Pretty (1948 film)

Meaning of "unseemly" in English

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Meaning of "unseemly" in Hindi

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