How to use "unselfish" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unselfish" in popular movie and book plots

  • Johnny agrees to do so because doing an unselfish act will allow him and his gang to return to their home planet.  - The Ghastly Love of Johnny X
  • But there is a condition: the wielder must only use the power for unselfish purposes and the good of humanity.  - Captain Barbell
  • As Marge leaves in sadness, the counselor advises Homer to perform one completely unselfish gesture to win Marge back.  - Brake My Wife, Please
  • The answer is two-fold: there is always hope, and God's love is expressed to us in the unselfish love of fellow creatures.  - Eifelheim
  • After much discussion both women recognize the other's unselfish love, and request that Cú Chulainn take the other.  - Serglige Con Culainn
  • They agree that their unselfish proposal must be put in just before the next Cabinet meeting to minimise any scrutiny by the MPs.  - A Real Partnership
  • Maggie wants Brick to take an interest in his father - for both selfish and unselfish reasons, but Brick stubbornly refuses.  - Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958 film)
  • The Grail accepts this unselfish act, and reanimates the dead warriors on both sides.  - Merlin's Apprentice
  • Her unselfish desire allows her to succeed and refuse his proposal.  - Ella Enchanted

Meaning of "unselfish" in English

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Meaning of "unselfish" in Hindi

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