How to use "unstable" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unstable" in popular movie and book plots

  • Meanwhile, he is also haunted by memories of his ex-girlfriend, the unstable Dorrie.  - Stardust Memories
  • In spite of Eimi being more emotionally unstable than Nuku Nuku, both their fights end in a draw.  - All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku
  • In the city she works as a caretaker of an obnoxious and mentally unstable woman, who turns out to be the wife of Bikash.  - Bandini (film)
  • The mentally unstable mutant joins the Brotherhood upon Mystique's return, allowing them to defeat the X-Men in a battle at the Bayville Mall.  - X-Men: Evolution
  • The next day, Nameless kills the emotionally unstable Snow before the Qin army, and claims her sword.  - Hero (2002 film)
  • Dwayne Hoover is a wealthy businessman who owns much of Midland City, but has become increasingly unstable mentally.  - Breakfast of Champions
  • Tate is an unstable and sadistic adolescent living with his grandparents, whom he resents and frequently abuses verbally.  - Ken Park
  • A week alone with the needy and at times unstable Pookie makes Jerry realize more that they need time apart.  - The Sterile Cuckoo
  • These groups fought over how best to use the Source — now strained and unstable from their tampering.  - Anarchy Online
  • He experiments on himself with an unstable performance-enhancing chemical.  - Spider-Man (2002 film)
  • Disillusioned with his increasingly unstable leadership, the troops finally accuse Washizu of the murder of Tsuzuki.  - Throne of Blood
  • He is turned into a green ethereal being, but his form becomes unstable and he flies apart with an agonized scream.  - Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
  • Upon hearing this, the now unstable community members attack Richard with sharp objects.  - The Beach (novel)
  • He must make contact with Beychae, an old colleague, in a politically unstable star system to further the aims of the Culture in the region.  - Use of Weapons
  • He also has a tragic relationship with Annie, a local mentally unstable girl.  - Midnight Cowboy
  • Remembering that Jack has neglected to relieve the pressure on the hotel's unstable boiler, Danny informs him that it is about to explode.  - The Shining (novel)

Meaning of "unstable" in English

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Meaning of "unstable" in Hindi

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