How to use "unused" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unused" in popular movie and book plots

  • Eve tells the group that they needed a lawyer, and Gunn had “the most unused potential” - and he just saved the day without using violence.  - Conviction (Angel)
  • Two unused endings were shot for the film, which can be seen on the Tsotsi DVD.  - Tsotsi
  • However, unused to alcohol, he quickly becomes drunk, and is seduced by Medusa.  - The Settlers III
  • They find an unused factory building close to the Wall that has ample underground space.  - The Tunnel (2001 film)
  • A warrior tribe finally took charge of the sword, ending the wars and pledging to keep it safe and unused for the world's own good.  - Heavenly Sword
  • While Armitage holds them off, Ross and Yoko make their way to an unused space elevator.  - Armitage III
  • She is unused to such treatment, but the Sheik tells her she will learn and demands she dress like a woman (she is wearing pants) for dinner.  - The Sheik (film)
  • Upon further exploration they find an unused wing of the home which has recently had locks added to the doors.  - While the Clock Ticked
  • Unlike the unused ending, these scenes were used in the American version.  - Frankenstein Conquers the World
  • The four come together by car to the beautifully furnished but unused villa owned by Philippe.  - La Grande Bouffe
  • After the honeymoon, the couple take up residence in an unused wing of Melbury's house.  - The Woodlanders
  • Harry also discovers a small stash of used and unused syringes for heroin injection in the apartment, but conceals this from Lebie.  - The Bat (novel)
  • His band make their OWN fire squad area next to the garage in a spot of unused land that waits for them conveniently.  - William Does His Bit
  • She is visited by her criminal son, who hides a package containing a large sum of money, in her unused spare room.  - The Whisperers
  • There she bribes an attendant to show her an unused wing, breaks in, and finds Jerry.  - Conspiracy Theory (film)
  • An officer enters the building and asks the duty nurse if there are any unused rooms available to accommodate new patients.  - And When the Sky Was Opened

Meaning of "unused" in English

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Meaning of "unused" in Hindi

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