How to use "unwary" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unwary" in popular movie and book plots

  • The couple hear of legends about unwary people and diabolical secrets of the caves in the area and have a friend investigate the caves.  - Here Comes the Devil
  • Hugh arrests Turstan, unwary and unaware any knew his role in the murders.  - Saint Peter's Fair
  • They also extract much information from the unwary Germans.  - Secret Mission
  • As such she can trick the unwary Braque into putting himself in her power.  - The Changeover
  • The protagonist is Isserley, an extraterrestrial sent to Earth by a rich corporation on her planet to pick up unwary hitchhikers.  - Under the Skin (novel)
  • A number of traps await an unwary group.  - In Search of the Unknown
  • Aeëtes has the unwary Argonauts imprisoned, but Medea, having fallen in love with Jason, helps him and his men escape.  - Jason and the Argonauts (1963 film)

Meaning of "unwary" in English

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Meaning of "unwary" in Hindi

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