How to use "unyielding" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unyielding" in popular movie and book plots

  • Feng Pobu is an official famous for his literary talent and unyielding personality.  - Heroes in Black
  • There is nothing to hide a child against the unyielding sun.  - Jason Edwards: An Average Man
  • Henchard reverts to his original stubborn and unyielding character, thereby sabotaging everything to do with this relationship.  - The Mayor of Casterbridge (2003 film)
  • Irritated by Sasaki’s unyielding attack, Kagenobu explains that his actions are being judge without him knowing his true motivations.  - Elektra: The Hand
  • As well as this, Battalion, their leader, has grown harsh and unyielding under the pressure.  - World's End (comics)
  • The trio shows unyielding courage in the face of hardship, adventure and danger as they travel across the Great Divide to reach their dream.  - Across the Great Divide (film)
  • Voyager is sought after by the Hazari, unyielding bounty hunters of the Delta Quadrant, within a sector of space.  - Think Tank (Star Trek: Voyager)
  • They decide to take a dive in themselves – and end up bashing their heads on the hard, unyielding surface of the money.  - Only a Poor Old Man
  • But they survive, determined to emerge with dignity, self-respect and an unyielding sense of humor.  - Poor White Trash
  • Only his unyielding love can complete her Court and secure her reign.  - The Black Jewels

Meaning of "unyielding" in English

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Meaning of "unyielding" in Hindi

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