How to use "update" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "update" in popular movie and book plots

  • Hillary broadcasts an update 30 minutes after the prior live newscast to reflect the lot's new visitations.  - Flywheel (film)
  • Marco is tasked to update the maps of the empire, a task he eagerly does.  - Marco Polo (miniseries)
  • The PM calls him into the Cabinet Room for an update on the puppy.  - A Diplomatic Incident
  • Abu gave an update on the forces composition of TF Libra.  - Oakwood mutiny
  • There is also an update system in the game.  - The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (video game)
  • In this step of the processing, the radar tracker seeks to determine which plots should be used to update which tracks.  - Radar tracker
  • When Dax enters to update Sisko on the destruction of a Federation vessel, he pulls the Defiant to head for the colony.  - ...Nor the Battle to the Strong
  • Arbogast calls Lila to update her and tells her he will contact her again in an hour after he questions Norman's mother.  - Psycho (1998 film)
  • As the credits roll, we are given an update almost five years later about some of the people featured in the film.  - The World's Best Prom
  • At Wolfram and Hart, Holland and Lindsey are discussing the evening's planned party when Drusilla arrives to update them on recent events.  - Reunion (Angel)
  • The 2013 graphic novel and 2014 movie update the original book's plot with more current references and technology.  - Alongside Night
  • She does not update Kayo with news about Kota for the sake of Kagaya's future.  - Oshin
  • Meanwhile, physician Antaak and a badly beaten Doctor Phlox update General K'Vagh on their progress.  - Divergence (Star Trek: Enterprise)
  • The related update the tie-in website "Who is Doctor Who.  - The Long Game
  • Walt then secretly meets with Saul Goodman and Kuby in the hotel's parking lot, asking for an update on Jesse's whereabouts.  - Rabid Dog
  • One year later, as the time for the adoption hearing approaches, mrs Oliver visits the family to update her records.  - Penny Serenade

Meaning of "update" in English

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Meaning of "update" in Hindi

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