How to use "uplift" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "uplift" in popular movie and book plots

  • The brothers never forget to donate money to charity and uplift the standard of life in their hometown.  - The Journey: A Voyage
  • Later she works for the uplift of women and wages a battle to end the practice of Janpath Kalyani.  - Amrapali (TV series)
  • Goswami Tulsidas rewrites the Ramayana in the form of the Ramcharitmanas to help uplift the masses.  - Jai Hanuman
  • When Nimue awakens, she accepts a mission to destroy the Church and uplift humanity.  - Safehold
  • He puts the opportunity to good use, and enacts several measures for the uplift of the poor.  - Nadodi Mannan (1958 film)
  • Sambu Sastri, meanwhile, along with Harijan Nallan, embarks on Gandhian social uplift programmes including picketing liquor shops.  - Thyagabhoomi
  • They finally spot Sivaraman (Vijayakanth) in Rameshwaram, where he works tirelessly for the uplift of the people.  - Dharmapuri (film)
  • He was willing to uplift his suspension on the condition that he is to no longer date April.  - Stomp the Yard
  • Before dying, Colonna wrote the Hypnerotomachia, a crypted book in his efforts to uplift humanism despite religious dogmas.  - The Rule of Four

Meaning of "uplift" in English

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Meaning of "uplift" in Hindi

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