How to use "upset" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "upset" in popular movie and book plots

  • Rachel is upset at the news.  - Witness (1985 film)
  • Laurey is upset when she sees Curly at the dance with Gertie.  - Oklahoma!
  • Bill gets upset when his wife Mary doesn't show up all evening; she is sleeping with Tom.  - Nashville (film)
  • Initially upset about being forced to look after her, he eventually begins to develop a father-daughter relationship with her.  - Little Miss Marker
  • An upset Sonny seeks comfort from Ruth.  - The Last Picture Show
  • The waiter thinks the artist himself has given no tip whatsoever, and is clearly upset at this supposed action.  - The Immigrant (1917 film)
  • But although they try to hide it, Joanna's parents and in particular her father are initially upset that she is planning to marry a black man.  - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
  • While Jock begins to woo Queenie, Hank is upset that Queenie is building her success on her looks rather than her talent.  - The Broadway Melody
  • They go to the plantation and tell Sally, who is upset that Uncle Remus kept the dog despite her order (which was unknown to Uncle Remus).  - Song of the South
  • Holden is deeply upset by this revelation, having previously believed that he is the first man Alyssa had ever slept with.  - Chasing Amy
  • Arthur and Sybil are upset by this, and the evening dissolves into angry recriminations.  - An Inspector Calls
  • Although upset at the loss of his house, Toad realises what good friends he has and how badly he has behaved.  - The Wind in the Willows
  • At Bud's apartment, Fran confronts Sheldrake, upset with herself for believing his lies.  - The Apartment
  • Suddenly becoming upset over multiple interruptions, Stanley explodes in a drunken rage and strikes Stella.  - A Streetcar Named Desire
  • Janet, upset and emotional, wanders off to look for Brad, who she discovers, via a television monitor, is in bed with Frank.  - The Rocky Horror Picture Show
  • Miss Bingley clearly does not want to continue the friendship and Jane is upset though very composed.  - Pride and Prejudice

Meaning of "upset" in English

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Meaning of "upset" in Hindi

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