How to use "upward" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "upward" in popular movie and book plots

  • The book ends on a slightly upward note, as Andoe learns how to better balance his life and ceases to drink.  - Jubilee City
  • She is simply going about her life, and thanks to HCE's upward mobility, both move in social circles that are getting smaller.  - Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones
  • It snatches them and takes them upward into the dark, while both are screaming and struggling to try to get free.  - The Elevator (The Twilight Zone)
  • The egg is located at the center of the waste, on a dais built within the upward jutting ribs of the old dragon king.  - Fantastic Locations: Dragondown Grotto
  • They continue upward until they finally reach the Abba-dingo, which seems to be an ancient computer system.  - Alpha Ralpha Boulevard
  • As the grand-père takes the balloon on a demonstration, Pascal climbs on board and lifts them both upward to an adventure.  - Stowaway in the Sky
  • One's progress can be shown as a graph, whose upward direction indicates a greater likelihood of achieving the next level.  - To Live Forever (novel)
  • Ambitious, he had chosen one of the few professions, Category Military, where upward mobility was still a reasonable possibility.  - Mercenary from Tomorrow
  • She rises in the open construction elevator, all the while looking upward towards the figure of her husband.  - The Fountainhead (film)
  • He shoots Sonny in the head, and kills Soz with an upward palm strike.  - Dead Man's Shoes (2004 film)
  • The light disappears, and a light flies across the sky before changing its course, flying upward and off into the night.  - The Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold Fire
  • When Peter and Brian drink the beer, they begin floating upward towards a ceiling-mounted exhaust fan.  - Wasted Talent
  • As the movie ends, Danny and Glenda, in their bathrobes, symbolically float upward in deck chairs as they talk about their future plans.  - Danny Deckchair
  • This information is sold upward to the Kingpin.  - Born Again (comics)
  • Just then, Spike's amulet consumes him in blue light and blasts a hole upward into the sky.  - Chosen (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • When they reach the designated exit at Wilcza Street, Korab is too weak to climb the upward sloping tunnel, so they rest for a while.  - Kanał

Meaning of "upward" in English

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Meaning of "upward" in Hindi

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