How to use "urchin" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "urchin" in popular movie and book plots

  • While picking her mother up at the train station, Theodosia catches a street urchin named Sticky Will trying to pick her father's pocket.  - Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos
  • He rescues hungry street urchin Billy, who has been caught stealing from a street vendor, and takes him under his wing.  - Something Always Happens
  • There he meets a street urchin named Regina, the only person left in the city.  - Dawn Wind
  • New York City police detective Louis Markowitz picks up an 11-year-old homeless street urchin for stealing.  - Mallory's Oracle
  • She is 'adopted' by a street urchin who takes her back to his filthy hovel.  - Judith (novel)
  • A young street urchin (Andrew Ray), half-starved and homeless, finds a cameo containing the likeness of Queen Victoria (Irene Dunne).  - The Mudlark
  • He leads the life of a roaming street urchin with his two best friends, Zhao Chuan and Zhang Zhen.  - Flying Daggers
  • This book is about Marco Loristan, his father, and his friend, a street urchin called "The Rat".  - The Lost Prince (Burnett novel)
  • The protagonist is an uneducated street urchin called Wei Xiaobao, who was born and raised by his mother in a brothel in Yangzhou.  - The Duke of Mount Deer (2000 TV series)
  • Dastan, a street urchin in Persia, is adopted by king Sharaman after showing courage in the marketplace.  - Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (film)
  • The novel tells the story of Riccetto, a street urchin to whom the audience is first introduced during his Confirmation and First Communion.  - Ragazzi di vita
  • Having been found behind some boxes, the Graske kidnaps a young street urchin by zapping him, and as before leaves a changeling in his place.  - Attack of the Graske
  • Gerry Thompson, a street urchin who has grown up in abusive institutions, is possibly sociopathic.  - More Than Human
  • A leprous street urchin named Puli helps them find the home of Kenny’s doctor friend.  - Nectar in a Sieve
  • Just at that moment, a very young street urchin named Wiggins arrives.  - A Study in Scarlet
  • Jafar identifies a street urchin named Aladdin as worthy.  - Aladdin (1992 Disney film)

Meaning of "urchin" in English

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Meaning of "urchin" in Hindi

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