How to use "vain" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "vain" in popular movie and book plots

  • Blackie's girlfriend Eleanor (Myrna Loy) loves him, but pleads with him in vain to marry her and give up his dangerous life.  - Manhattan Melodrama
  • The unscrupulous and vain Tommy Thanatos (David Johansen) is after Alex Sr.  - Mr. Nanny
  • The tigers are vain and each thinks he is better dressed than the others.  - The Story of Little Black Sambo
  • General Yepanchin has an ambitious and vain assistant, Gavril Ardalionovich Ivolgin (Ganya), who the Prince also meets while waiting.  - The Idiot
  • There is also a medical robot trying in vain to find a cure for the virus that killed the ship's crew.  - Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
  • Langwidere is the spoiled and highly vain niece of the deceased king of Ev, and she has many exchangeable, detachable heads.  - Ozma of Oz
  • Meanwhile, Preston tries in vain to uncover other couriers connected to the operation.  - The Fourth Protocol
  • They tried in vain to fix the problem, but discovered it was too late - the Source would soon destroy the planet.  - Anarchy Online
  • Without acknowledging that he was aware of the precise nature of the plot, the priest tried in vain to dissuade Catesby from his course.  - Robert Catesby
  • A year later, Snow White's father, the king, takes a new wife, who is very beautiful, but a wicked and vain woman.  - Snow White
  • " Horrified, Rocky tries in vain to open the apartment door and escape his "paradise" as Pip laughs malevolently at his torment.  - A Nice Place to Visit
  • He tries in vain to locate Arthur Curtis's house, and mistakes a little girl for his daughter, scaring her.  - A World of Difference
  • The group attempts in vain to persuade Glick to cancel the celebration; a frustrated Jay steals one of Glick's golf clubs.  - Dogma (film)
  • Snow White is a lonely princess living with her stepmother, a vain and wicked Queen.  - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)
  • Hassan points a gun to Mavros' head as he tries in vain to get the President to listen, but is shot in the head.  - Executive Decision
  • Meanwhile René has encouraged O to seduce Jacqueline, a vain fashion model, and lure her to Roissy.  - Story of O

Meaning of "vain" in English

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Meaning of "vain" in Hindi

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