How to use "vantage" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "vantage" in popular movie and book plots

  • From his vantage point, Mauser can see where all of the enemy forces are positioned.  - Mercenary from Tomorrow
  • The film opens from a vantage point over the rooftops, showing some of the morning occurrences through the windows of the houses.  - Les Bicyclettes de Belsize
  • The two reach a vantage point above Mochudi, to see how the rains change the landscape.  - Morality for Beautiful Girls
  • Hallam makes his home in the clock tower of the hotel because of its vantage point over Kate's home in a top flat, where he can spy on her.  - Hallam Foe
  • They hijack a house that offers a good vantage point on the shrine and plant the missile there.  - Keerthi Chakra (film)
  • Lord Raglan did not bother to mention this in his order, since the lay of the land is obvious from his high vantage point.  - The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)
  • Lucy's life becomes the vantage point by which Win is acclimated to life in the NAC and Laporte, the NAC equivalent to Denver.  - The Probability Broach
  • The battalion has been assigned to secure Point 5179, a crucial vantage point dominating the army's main supply line, the NH1D.  - Lakshya (film)
  • Behind him is a vacuum with a white nightshirt, which Jerry approaches and peeks at the cat from the vantage point.  - Fraidy Cat (film)
  • Meanwhile, Tate, from a high vantage point, shoots Elías and kills Santo before Chuncho's sentence can be carried out.  - A Bullet for the General
  • Ettore and the other Italians continue to resist from their vantage position, and in the end only Novak and Ettore are left.  - Il Cuore nel Pozzo
  • The author maintains a detached vantage point, understating and implying the horror of the characters' situations.  - Bomber (novel)
  • The story is told by Theseus, looking back on his life from his vantage point as an adult.  - The King Must Die
  • Seeking a vantage point on his own, Johann seeks access to an apartment building adjacent to Margaret's.  - Liquid Sky
  • The film ends at opening ceremony, which Kracklite watches from a higher vantage point.  - The Belly of an Architect
  • Pierre decides to leave Moscow and go to watch the Battle of Borodino from a vantage point next to a Russian artillery crew.  - War and Peace

Meaning of "vantage" in English

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Meaning of "vantage" in Hindi

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