How to use "vat" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "vat" in popular movie and book plots

  • The creature goes on a homicidal rampage until it is accidentally destroyed when a vat where it has been hidden is flooded with acid.  - The Horror of Frankenstein
  • Afterwards, he lowers her mutilated corpse into a vat of boiling wax.  - Blood Bath
  • Rubatitti and Watt fall into a boiling vat in the cellar, killing them both.  - Carry On Screaming!
  • Leela is lowered by crane into a vat of royal Slurm, which will turn her into a Slurm Queen.  - Fry and the Slurm Factory
  • Ultimately, the T-800 must stop the T-1000 from killing John and blast it into a vat of molten steel to destroy it.  - Terminator 2: Judgment Day (arcade game)
  • The woman had jumped into a chocolate vat and was sliced by the machines, but when the employees stopped the machine, it was too late.  - The Big Over Easy
  • Jinshan falls into the dye vat and drowns one day while playing with his son and a funeral is carried out for him.  - Ju Dou
  • He falls into a giant vat of wax, which was intended for Charlotte.  - Mystery of the Wax Museum
  • He finishes by throwing the three bodies into a vat of acid.  - Aliens versus Predator versus The Terminator
  • The Collector suspends the duo over a vat of "Lucite".  - Treehouse of Horror X
  • 8-9: Svengaard detects activity in the hospital vat room, where the embryo is kept.  - The Eyes of Heisenberg
  • Jarrod tries to escape, but, fighting with a police officer, dies when he is knocked into the vat of molten wax he had prepared for Sue.  - House of Wax (1953 film)
  • X-23 is injected with the virus while doing battle, and runs toward a nearby molten vat to destroy herself (thus destroying the virus).  - X-Force
  • Fuad is preparing a "blood feast" – a huge vat containing the dead women's body parts – that will ensure the goddess's resurrection.  - Blood Feast
  • However, they outwit her and cause her to fall into a vat of molasses and get thrown through a window into a pig pen.  - 101 Dalmatians (1996 film)
  • In the ensuing shootout, Napier kills Eckhardt, but Batman suddenly appears and, in a struggle, Napier is knocked into a vat of chemicals.  - Batman (1989 film)

Meaning of "vat" in English

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Meaning of "vat" in Hindi

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