How to use "vector" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "vector" in popular movie and book plots

  • In the fourth chapter the Goo Balls set out to find the mysterious "MOM" program amongst a vector style environment.  - World of Goo
  • She has not returned from her work as a vector control specialist, a flea catcher, nor left any word of her plans, since early July.  - The First Eagle
  • It is a fast-moving, first-person combat flight simulator, rendered with colourful wireframe vector graphics.  - Starglider
  • The Doctor decides that he needs the time vector generator, which he earlier removed from the TARDIS.  - The Wheel in Space
  • In a poor, downtrodden Russia, a vector of future development of the world is being decided.  - Autumn Visits
  • A reception held by the Emergents doubles as a vector to infect the Qeng Ho with a timed "mindrot" virus.  - A Deepness in the Sky

Meaning of "vector" in English

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Meaning of "vector" in Hindi

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