How to use "veer" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "veer" in popular movie and book plots

  • Seth decides to veer her attention away from that and started talking to the guests at the party.  - The Healing (film)
  • Then cat and bird then veer to the right, and run right off a cliff.  - The Early Bird Dood It!
  • While evading one of the letters, they veer off the highway and down a hill, crashing into a tree.  - Logorama
  • Declining his offer the two continue their trip and spontaneously decide to veer off the road.  - Fata Morgana (2007 film)
  • Once they veer off course, Grace begins to panic, but the others are unaware.  - Black Water (film)
  • It now looks like the informant shot Camille in the car, causing them to veer off the road, and Klein shot Silien in self-defence.  - 36 Quai des Orfèvres (film)
  • As they are walking up the road they see a car veer off the bridge and down the slope and Angela believes this may be her mother's car.  - The Catalogue of the Universe
  • It’s here that the film really starts to veer from the conventional path.  - Jealousy Is My Middle Name
  • An explosion rocks the craft and it begins to veer off course.  - The Voyage Home (The Outer Limits)
  • Grant fires the laser at the ship, causing it to veer away and crash.  - Fantastic Voyage
  • Understanding that the time has come, he walks to the shops in time to see the car shown to him by Atropos arrive and veer towards Natalie.  - Insomnia (novel)
  • A glowing sphere settles on the deserted highway in front of her, causing her to veer off the road.  - Attack of the 50 Foot Woman

Meaning of "veer" in English

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Meaning of "veer" in Hindi

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