How to use "vegetation" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "vegetation" in popular movie and book plots

  • All that remains at the end of the legend is cities covered by the vegetation of the Quiché land.  - Leyendas de Guatemala
  • The adventurers have to defeat hostile vegetation and traps (eg.  - The Royal Way
  • Other than vegetation and blue sand, he sees in the distance only a red sphere about in diameter.  - Arena (short story)
  • During these events, Summerlee notes some oddities about the "ritual" vegetation necklaces that the sacrifices (themselves) were dressed in.  - The Lost World (1992 film)
  • Right afterwards, a time wave arrives and gets rid of the vegetation and animals, implying the timeline was set right.  - A Sound of Thunder (video game)
  • Rigo accepts a job at a biotech firm that develops special vegetation for a planned orbital colony.  - Clade (novel)
  • Before she can attack the girls, the island's vegetation comes alive and envelops her and Edgar.  - Red Garden
  • They eventually disembark at a planet with a habitat suitably similar to Earth, on which the vegetation has a vivid bluish-green color.  - Tau Zero
  • By the time the glaciers reach the wall, much of the vegetation in the south has been destroyed by snow and ice and conditions grow worse.  - The Making of the Representative for Planet 8
  • Some leave the town, but the surrounding vegetation is malevolent.  - The Burning City
  • Restored to life, Stanley recreates Central Park and covers the entire city of Manhattan in vegetation and flowers.  - A Troll in Central Park
  • Frito and Rita discover that Joe's reintroduction of water to the soil has prompted vegetation to grow in the fields.  - Idiocracy
  • In addition, the moon's main computer, still intact after the explosion, had a strange vegetation coiled around it.  - Image Fight
  • Suddenly, out of the mist they see Guanahani ("San Salvador") with lush vegetation and sandy beaches, the first discovery of the New World.  - 1492: Conquest of Paradise
  • The two friends only just manage to retrieve the Key from an experiment jar before the vegetation overruns the temple.  - The Keys of Marinus
  • Ray and Rachel arrive in a devastated Boston, where the vegetation is dying and most of the Tripods have collapsed.  - War of the Worlds (2005 film)

Meaning of "vegetation" in English

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Meaning of "vegetation" in Hindi

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