How to use "vehement" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "vehement" in popular movie and book plots

  • Dismissing Anne's vehement protests, the Queen is delighted, a feeling not shared by Anne's loving but ineffectual father.  - The Royal Bed
  • Despite their vehement protests things go from bad to worse.  - Mini (film)
  • Despite Walter's vehement protest that it is impossible, Olivia is convinced that John Scott saw her.  - The Dreamscape
  • The Son and his friend Wally look into the dead woman's face and engage in vehement prayer, jumping and shouting.  - Bingo (play)
  • Accordingly, when Newman converted to Roman Catholicism in 1845, he met with vehement criticism.  - Loss and Gain
  • This was intended to prove to Ermintrude that, despite her vehement protests to the contrary, she spoke far more than he did.  - The Defenestration of Ermintrude Inch
  • Despite her vehement protests, he stays put and leaves only at daybreak, but her persistent cough stays with him.  - Thappu Thalangal
  • Despite her vehement protests, he stays put and leaves only at daybreak, but her persistent cough stays with him.  - Thappida Thala
  • He goes to the worker and, after a heated and vehement argument, fights with him and eventually kills him.  - I Will Not Confess
  • When he explains where he got the money, Jim is surprised by Kathy's vehement rejection of the bracelet.  - Stakeout on Dope Street
  • Restrained by the vehement villagers, there's nothing Daniel can do but watch in horror as the flames are lit.  - Avalon (Stargate SG-1)
  • Doyler, being a vehement Socialist and outcast from the society of his home community, leaves home and joins the Irish Citizen Army at Dublin.  - At Swim, Two Boys
  • Due to his knowledge, Vincent later became a vehement enemy of Ark.  - Resident Evil Survivor
  • Many Mamutoi regard him as an animal, but Ayla and the Lion Camp are vehement in their defence of him.  - The Mammoth Hunters
  • They get married despite vehement protests from their fathers and start a chain of boutique stores named Florentyna's.  - Kane and Abel (novel)
  • McClusky, upon learning of the riot, orders the interview terminated despite Gale's vehement protests.  - Natural Born Killers

Meaning of "vehement" in English

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Meaning of "vehement" in Hindi

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