How to use "vehemently" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "vehemently" in popular movie and book plots

  • In a bid to save his life, Sethu vehemently and violently beats him with an iron rod.  - Kireedam (1989 film)
  • Consequently, when he first meets her at Ascot several weeks thereafter, he denies vehemently the ability to do the impression.  - The Reverent Wooing of Archibald
  • dr West and two other colleagues vehemently oppose such a procedure, as it is too close to a lobotomy to be safe.  - A Fine Madness
  • Bumpy notices a nice ring on Vallie's finger and asks him if he bought it with the money, which Vallie vehemently denies.  - Hoodlum (film)
  • Tom vehemently denies this, but Fogarty remains persistent and begins to stalk the Stall family.  - A History of Violence
  • Charlotte is vehemently against this and ignores the eviction notice, refusing to leave.  - Hush… Hush, Sweet Charlotte
  • However, he then demanded she join his depraved lifestyle, including acting in his "art" films, which she vehemently refused.  - Lolita (1962 film)
  • Bill is scared and confused; he vehemently tells them he is white.  - Twilight Zone: The Movie
  • One rat, Jenner, disagreed vehemently with The Plan and left the colony with a group of followers at some point prior to mrs Frisby's arrival.  - Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
  • Gus vehemently demands the kind of attention he thought he had paid for.  - The House of Mirth
  • On the way back to DS9, Dukat vehemently denies Hudson's assertion that the Bok'Nor was transporting weapons.  - The Maquis (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • Tony Danza also vehemently opposed the marriage, saying it would contradict the original purpose of the show.  - Who's the Boss?
  • Radha vehemently refused his offer, but had to also lose her infant (her fourth son) to the atrocities of the storm.  - Mother India
  • She guides him to Toad Island, the site of Stoat's latest "fix," and Twilly becomes vehemently opposed to the despoiling of the island.  - Sick Puppy
  • Thornhill vehemently denies he is Kaplan.  - North by Northwest
  • When Levasseur vehemently objects, Blood is forced to kill him in a duel.  - Captain Blood (1935 film)

Meaning of "vehemently" in English

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Meaning of "vehemently" in Hindi

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