How to use "velocity" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "velocity" in popular movie and book plots

  • Tornadoes, squalls and high velocity winds sweep the planet and add to the misery of the humanity already suffering from the energy crunch.  - The Ultimate Revelations
  • A dimensional breach opens, someone rushes out at a high velocity and catches Kara before she hits the ground, letting her down in a field.  - Worlds Finest
  • With a high velocity chase Jimmy hunts down Sam to the point of desperation until our final conclusion.  - Chased (film)
  • Valkerie's attempt to match velocity with it ends in failure, and worse—she uses up more fuel than they can spare.  - Oxygen (Olson and Ingermanson novel)
  • SG-1 quickly learns that the Replicators have modified the engines so that the ship exceeds its fastest velocity by 800 times.  - Enemies (Stargate SG-1)
  • Tony is impressed with Mickey's pitching velocity and ultimately drafts Mickey once the real tryouts roll around.  - Mickey (2004 film)
  • At a cruise velocity of.  - Coyote (Steele novel)
  • They are unable to reach escape velocity and the ship is destroyed by flying debris.  - Lost in Space (film)

Meaning of "velocity" in English

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Meaning of "velocity" in Hindi

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