How to use "vendor" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "vendor" in popular movie and book plots

  • Finally, the siblings receive help from a young Afghan street vendor selling balloons.  - The White Balloon
  • A hot dog vendor hears Kazanian's cries and rushes over.  - Inferno (1980 film)
  • Ma, bent on revenge, disguises himself as a cigarette vendor and loiters outside the Japanese encampment, now converted into a POW camp.  - Devils on the Doorstep
  • Holmes tracks down the vendor of the busts and find out that one is still unaccounted for, as does Conover's accomplice Naomi.  - The Pearl of Death
  • Despite Marge's warning to heed the advice of the vendor in not using any of them, Maggie is granted that first wish: a new pacifier.  - Treehouse of Horror II
  • They meet an itinerant carnival vendor who calls himself Ursus, and his pet wolf, Homo.  - The Man Who Laughs
  • The book opens with a turf war between two computer design groups within Data General Corporation, a minicomputer vendor in the 1970s.  - The Soul of a New Machine
  • Two women – Micca and a myrtle vendor – summarize their grievances against him.  - Thesmophoriazusae
  • Learning the children are orphans, Mia has a vendor give them all tiaras and lets them walk with her in the parade.  - The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
  • In the kitchen live Kvashnya (Dough), a vendor of meat pies, the decrepit Baron, and the streetwalker Nastya.  - The Lower Depths
  • At the Park County Fair, the boys come across a vendor selling "authentic weapons from the Far East" and are interested in purchasing them.  - Good Times with Weapons
  • Vladimir encounters his former KGB handler, who is now a street vendor selling hotdogs.  - Moscow on the Hudson
  • Meanwhile, Donald Duck rolls a vendor cart through the audience selling lemonade, popcorn, and ice cream, which further distracts Mickey.  - The Band Concert
  • Then, at the theater, Estha is molested by the "Orangedrink Lemondrink Man," a vendor working the snack counter.  - The God of Small Things
  • When a street vendor gives Tung an illegal anti-hallucinogen, he discovers that the Party leader has a horrible secret.  - Faith of Our Fathers (short story)
  • He encounters another girl and befriends her, but the blind vendor recognizes his whistling.  - M (1931 film)

Meaning of "vendor" in English

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Meaning of "vendor" in Hindi

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