How to use "verdict" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "verdict" in popular movie and book plots

  • An inquest brings a verdict of suicide.  - Rebecca (novel)
  • Chaplin laughs at the verdict and its so-called "punishment".  - To See the Invisible Man
  • A woman named Marlee makes an offer to Fitch and Rohr: she will deliver the verdict to the first bidder.  - Runaway Jury
  • Every jury has a leader, and the verdict belongs to him.  - The Runaway Jury
  • Kevin believes his client is guilty, and a reporter tells him a guilty verdict is inevitable.  - The Devil's Advocate (1997 film)
  • He accepts the verdict as the fulfilment of justice and is led off to execution.  - The Ultimate Foe
  • The inquest has taken place with a verdict of "Death by Misadventure" but no explanation has been found for the rearrangement of the clocks.  - The Seven Dials Mystery
  • Suspicious events soon begin to occur, the body count rises, and a verdict of suicide is not necessarily to be trusted.  - The Case of the Constant Suicides
  • Miller visits the visibly failing Beckett in the hospital after the verdict and overcomes his fear enough to touch Beckett's face.  - Philadelphia (film)
  • The only way that she can regain her husband's love and devotion is if he is able to obtain a "not guilty" verdict for mrs Paradine.  - The Paradine Case
  • The committee further expresses the hope that their verdict will end political assassination conspiracy theories.  - The Parallax View
  • With Flynt in the courtroom, the court overturns the original verdict in a unanimous decision.  - The People vs. Larry Flynt
  • A unanimous verdict is required so the judge must order a fresh trial to be held.  - Strong Poison
  • If there is any reasonable doubt they are to return a verdict of not guilty.  - 12 Angry Men (1957 film)
  • The next evening, Peter tells Hans about the councilmen's verdict and warns Hans that Doro will humiliate him as well.  - Hans Christian Andersen (film)
  • As a panel of judges prepares to deliver a verdict at Beckert's real trial, the mothers of three of his victims weep in the gallery.  - M (1931 film)

Meaning of "verdict" in English

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Meaning of "verdict" in Hindi

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