How to use "verse" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "verse" in popular movie and book plots

  • Paul brings her flowers at her workplace (as a verse writer for a greeting card company) and they go out again.  - Different for Girls
  • The Great Panjandrum is a reference to a line of nonsense verse by Samuel Foote.  - Characters in the Thursday Next series
  • This leads the captain of the vessel to attempt to read a verse of the original poem to the men before the commencing of their mission.  - The Light Brigade (The Outer Limits)
  • Falk criticises bourgeois society in his verse and insists that we live in the passionate moment.  - Love's Comedy
  • The last verse of the song ends similarly to the Robinson poem: Richard Cory went home last night and put a bullet through his head.  - Richard Cory (song)
  • Many of the film's intertitles are quotes (or paraphrases) from Scripture, often with chapter and verse accompanying.  - The King of Kings (1927 film)
  • Johnny then speaks aloud (drooling crazily throughout) parts of 1 Corinthians 13, first verse 13 ("When I was a child.  - Odd Man Out
  • The Bhagavata in verse 11.  - Bhagavata Purana
  • they carved no hopeful verse upon his tombstone, for his dying hour was gloom".  - Young Goodman Brown
  • A cut takes us to Louis and Émile, now tramps, entertaining people on a roadside by singing the third verse of the title song.  - À Nous la Liberté
  • Returning to the Prague safe house, Hunt realizes "Job 314" refers to Bible verse Job 3:14, "Job" being the mole's code name.  - Mission: Impossible (film)
  • The curtain call is accompanied by a final number set to a verse of Green Eggs and Ham.  - Seussical
  • O-90's other lover and D-503's best friend is R-13, a State poet who reads his verse at public executions.  - We (novel)
  • As preparations proceed, Sheeta recites an apotropaic verse and unexpectedly activates the amulet and the robot, which follows Sheeta.  - Castle in the Sky
  • " The entire group begins to sing the first verse of "Hark.  - A Charlie Brown Christmas
  • At a ball attended by the Blakeneys, a verse by Percy about the "elusive Pimpernel" makes the rounds and amuses the other guests.  - The Scarlet Pimpernel

Meaning of "verse" in English

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Meaning of "verse" in Hindi

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