How to use "vestige" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "vestige" in popular movie and book plots

  • They find Apocalypse, now a millennia old, using every last vestige of his energy in keeping Beyond World from collapsing.  - Extraordinary X-Men
  • Covering his now horrifying vestige with a mask, Panchito sends Santana into the wrestling ring.  - Ladrón de Cadáveres
  • Finally, Christopher promised that the last remaining vestige of Yahweh's followers were trapped in Petra, and they would all be destroyed.  - Acts of God (James BeauSeigneur novel)
  • The colony is the last vestige of mankind, but without a goal to strive for, the colony (and mankind) will die.  - If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth
  • With a vestige of Sylvia's blood, Hamilton uses his voodoo magic to lure the heroine into venturing in the dark woods.  - The Plague of the Zombies
  • Michael hears a story that human shoulder blades are a vestige of angel wings.  - Skellig

Meaning of "vestige" in English

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Meaning of "vestige" in Hindi

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