How to use "viceroy" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "viceroy" in popular movie and book plots

  • Each subjugated planet is ruled by a Demon Lord viceroy who has moulded it to fit the incarnation of their Demon Prince's Word.  - Stella Inquisitorus
  • However, the viceroy is aware of Fong's true intention so he sets a trap for Fong.  - Fong Sai-yuk II
  • All of the above face off against the malevolently hilarious Spanish viceroy of Cartagena, Don Lardo.  - The Pyrates
  • He promotes himself to king and names Trask his viceroy on Tanith with the rank of prince.  - Space Viking
  • Meanwhile, Don Pedro convinces the viceroy that Serafin is the real Macoco and should hang for it.  - The Pirate
  • Serena Butler, daughter of the viceroy of the League of Nobles, is a strong voice for the human rebellion.  - Dune: The Butlerian Jihad
  • After the previous viceroy rebelled against the Emperor, Barr participated in a revolution that overthrew the viceroy.  - Foundation (Isaac Asimov novel)

Meaning of "viceroy" in English

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Meaning of "viceroy" in Hindi

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