How to use "vie" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "vie" in popular movie and book plots

  • While most of the group attempt to vie for Shirley's affection, Teapot ultimately forms a relationship with her.  - Winners and Sinners
  • The few immotiles constantly vie with each other for territories and resources.  - Commonwealth Saga
  • Two political factions vie for power in Union: the Centrists and the Expansionists.  - Cyteen
  • Lehnsherr and Xavier go in alone, and both vie for Jean's loyalty until the Phoenix resurfaces.  - X-Men: The Last Stand
  • The movie was recently repacked with La Femme de ma vie in a 2-DVD set.  - Je suis le seigneur du château
  • Over the next 28 hours, Tredway's executives vie for the position of president.  - Executive Suite
  • They vie for the favours of exotic (and half-Scottish) Princess Lala (Dorothy Lamour), a cousin of the Prince (Murvyn Vye).  - Road to Bali
  • Meanwhile, tension gradually builds between Andrzej and the hitchhiker as they vie for the attentions of Krystyna.  - Knife in the Water
  • Valérie also seduces Crevel and watches with delight as they vie for her attention.  - Cousin Bette
  • Fields and his rival (played by Bud Ross) vie over the affections of a woman.  - Pool Sharks
  • She tells them about how the two worlds vie for each other's mana through the journey of regeneration.  - Tales of Symphonia
  • While prepping for the pirate attack, Fritz and Ernst vie for the affections of Roberta.  - Swiss Family Robinson (1960 film)
  • The two vie for Fee's attention, and Frank resents the many pregnancies Paddy makes her endure.  - The Thorn Birds
  • Confrontations are typically with the Brotherhood, who vie for new recruits with the X-Men over the course of the season.  - X-Men: Evolution
  • The two soldiers and the skipper vie for the veiled woman's affections.  - Two Arabian Knights
  • Sarason succeeds Windrip, but his extravagant and relatively weak rule creates a power vacuum in which Haik and others vie for power.  - It Can't Happen Here

Meaning of "vie" in English

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Meaning of "vie" in Hindi

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