How to use "vigorous" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "vigorous" in popular movie and book plots

  • An incensed Jerry turns Tuffy over his lap and gives him a vigorous spanking.  - Touché, Pussy Cat!
  • But his younger brother Harlis is masterminding a vigorous assault on the inheritance.  - Change of Command
  • The agent approaches Brun during her first practice escape, and also picks up the teenager from the merchant vessel at Brun's vigorous urging.  - Rules of Engagement (Elizabeth Moon novel)
  • Maggie is astonished to hear this because Jason seemed vigorous just minutes earlier.  - The Legacy (1978 film)
  • Don focuses upon Victor as Denis grows up, seeming to shape him into a vigorous athletic counterpart to Denis's intellectual existence.  - Galactic Milieu Series
  • Linus runs for the office with a vigorous and enthusiastic campaign, taking an early lead in the polls.  - You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown
  • The students are forced to perform a vigorous workout in the gymnasium.  - Slaughter High
  • During a vigorous tribal dance, Homer manages to enrage a hippo.  - Simpson Safari
  • After vigorous training Sarge and Jimmy feel the Heartbeats are ready to perform in a larger competition.  - The Five Heartbeats
  • He praises Kallias’ affections for Autolykos because the boy is vigorous in his pursuit of victory and fame for his city (838).  - Symposium (Xenophon)
  • The seemingly fearless Maria leads Sanin on a vigorous ride across the countryside that leaves them invigorated and their horses breathless.  - Torrents of Spring
  • Mariel finds that the metal swallow is wedged firmly between two rocks, and her vigorous motions attract the attention of the lobster.  - Mariel of Redwall
  • In the film's dramatic climax, Lester and Jill happen upon George and Jackie having vigorous sex on a kitchen floor.  - Shampoo (film)
  • Tom grows into a vigorous and lusty, yet honest and kind-hearted, youth.  - The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  • Opening the box against Smitty's vigorous protests, they discover a packet of letters.  - The Long Voyage Home
  • Despite vigorous cross-examination from Goole, Sybil denies any wrongdoing.  - An Inspector Calls

Meaning of "vigorous" in English

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Meaning of "vigorous" in Hindi

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