How to use "vile" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "vile" in popular movie and book plots

  • Not expecting to see the Fairleys, she is horrified when Edwin's vile brother Gerald visits.  - A Woman of Substance (miniseries)
  • The usurpers were slain for their vile deeds by armies of the Alliance and Horde and the Forsaken capital was restored.  - World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
  • Her teenage son, Greek count Juvalos has to flee the vile stepfather.  - Vaskilintu
  • Marsha, still viewing him as a vile person, reluctantly agrees to leave town and "forget" about the incident.  - Storm Warning (1951 film)
  • By chance, Tarzan and Brian are lookalike, thus making some vile scoundrels to think Tarzan is Brian.  - Tarzan and the Forbidden City
  • Afterwards Hannay's son, Peter John receives a vile tempered she hawk from Archie Roylance whom he christens Morag.  - The Island of Sheep
  • She is remarried to a rich but vile construction developer (Henry Ramer), but Sweeney and Georgina are still in love.  - It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
  • Luckily, there is a tanker truck full of gasoline nearby that the main character drives into the vile blob.  - Caltiki – The Immortal Monster
  • Sir George finds him in the lab and demands to know his relationship with "a vile thing like Hyde.  - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920 film)
  • Desperate, Cedric turns to a vile and frequent widow, mrs Selma Quickly.  - Nanny McPhee
  • For three years the Temple of Elemental Evil served as a center for the swarms of vile creatures who plagued Hommlet.  - The Temple of Elemental Evil (video game)
  • Lovelace's action backfires and Clarissa is ever more adamantly opposed to marrying a vile and corrupt individual like Lovelace.  - Clarissa
  • (in the opening narration) as "the most vile creatures", some of the escapees seem to be no more evil than Stone himself.  - Brimstone (TV series)
  • Each hopes that, no matter how vile his actions may seem to their contemporaries, history will eventually absolve them.  - Darkness at Noon
  • Suddenly a vile green monster, Jenny Greenteeth, appears in the water.  - The Wee Free Men
  • Azrael summons the Golgothan—a vile creature made of human excrement—but Bob immobilizes it with aerosol air freshener.  - Dogma (film)

Meaning of "vile" in English

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Meaning of "vile" in Hindi

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